US election remains close despite Harris debate performance: Piper Sandler

US election remains close despite Harris debate performance: Piper Sandler

According to the report, Harris “baited [Trump] time after time and he took the bait.”

“There is no doubt she helped herself and he hurt himself. However, she probably didn’t allay voter concerns on two central issues: whether she is too far to the left and the unpopular Biden-Harris record,” said Piper Sandler.

The firm believes Harris avoided defensive questions, particularly on whether she leans too far left and on the administration’s record.

Piper Sandler believes the concerns might keep the race close. Despite this, they state that Harris “told viewers more about her background and was more relatable.”

In contrast, the firm says Trump appeared “angry and at times sounded unhinged.”

They add that he reiterated claims about the 2020 election and missed opportunities to press Harris on her vulnerabilities.

The analysts emphasized that while Trump has been a political fixture for nearly a decade, Harris remains less well-known, and opinions about her are still forming.

Following the debate, Piper says Harris saw a significant rise in betting markets, shifting from a near tie with Trump to a 55-45 lead.

However, they also noted that while Harris improved her image, lingering questions about her record and political stance could maintain a tight race. “We’ll see in the coming days and weeks how the polls shift in response to the debate,” concludes the firm.

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